June 12, 2002
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South Carolina Artillery
Artillery Batteries
Bachman's Light Artillery Battery
Beaufort Light Artillery Battery
Brook's Light Artillery Battery
Chesterfield Light Artillery Battery
Columbia Flying Artillery
Culpepper's Light Artillery

Citadel Flag by Marilyn

South Carolina Artillery
Artillery Batteries

Bachman's Battery
Charleston German Light Artillery Battery

The flag of Bachman's Battery is located in the Confederate Museum in Chaleston, S.C.
Dedmondt, Glenn, The Flags of Civil War South Carolina, ISBN NUMBER 1-56554-696-2

For Additional Reading:
Brooks, U.R., Stories of the Confederacy

Bachman's Battery Service
DateBattle or CityLocationCommanding OfficerBrigadeDivisionCorps
62Unit OrganizedCharlestonCapt. Wm. BachmanHampton Legion..
6/25-7/1-62Seven Days Battles.Capt. Wm. BachmanWalker’s Artillery Battalion Hill’s Division .
8/28-8/30-62Second Manassas. Capt. Wm. Bachman Walker’s Artillery Battalion Hill’s Division Second Corps
9/14/62South Mountain.Capt. Wm. BachmanFrobel’s Artillery BattalionHood’s DivisionFirst Corps
9/14/62Sharpsburg.Captain Wm. BachmanFrobel’s Artillery BattalionHood’s DivisionFirst Corps
12/13/62Fredericksburg.Captain Wm. BachmanFrobel’s Artillery BattalionHood’s DivisionFirst Corps
7/1-7/3-63Gettysburg.Captain Wm. BachmanHenry’s Artillery BattalionHood’s DivisionFirst Corps
Fall-63Returned to South Carolina.....
12/09/64Tullifinny Station..Third Battalion.Dept. of S.C., Ga., Fla.
2/4-65Carolina’s Campaign..Mercer’s BrigadeWright’s DivisionDept. of S.C., Ga. Fla.

Bachman's Battery Officers
.Wm. K. Bachman (Capt.)..
.Rudolph Siegling (1Lt.)..
.James Simmons Jr. (1Lt.)..
.Wm. Schwers (2Lt.)..
.Ernst Schmacher (Guidon)..

Beaufort Light Artillery Battery
Beaufort Volunteer Artillery
Elliott's Battery
Stuart's Battery

The Beaufort Volunteer Artillery Flag is located in the Confederate Relic Room in Columbia, S.C.
Dedmondt, Glenn, The Flags of Civil War South Carolina, ISBN NUMBER 1-56554-696-2

U.D.C.:Recollections and Reminiscences 1861-65:
DeSaussure, Capt. C.A. DeSaussure, Beaufort, S.C. Artillery, No. 5, second gun of the first section, Also known as Stuart’s Battery., Vol. 7 page 299, U.D.C.
Lawton, War Record of Judson Lawton, Beaufort Artillery, Company D, Third S.C. Cavalry, Vol. 11 page 351, U.D.C.
Mew, Henry Mew, Beaufort Volunteer Artillery, Vol. 6, page 195, UDC
Mew, J.R. Mew, Beaufort Volunteer Artillery, Citadel Cadets, Vol. 6, page 195, UDC
Rosters and Other:
Roster, Beaufort Volunteer Artillery (B.V.A.) Roll, Vol. 7, page 278, U.D.C.

Beaufort Light Artillery Battery Battles and Stations
DateBattle or CityLocationCommanding OfficerBrigadeDivisionCorps
1862Organized.Captain Stephen Elliott...
6/6/62Port Royal Ferry.Captain Stephen Elliott..Dept. of S.C., Ga., Fla.
8/21/62Pickney Island.... Dept. of S.C., Ga., Fla
10/22-10/23-62Coosawhatchie.... Dept. of S.C., Ga., Fla
4/9/63Destruction of the George Washington.Captain H.M. Stuart.. Dept. of S.C., Ga., Fla
6/30/63Barnwell’s Island.Captain H.M. Stuart..Dept. of S.C., Ga., Fla.
11/12-64Savannah Campaign.Captain H.M. StuartMcLaw’s Division.Dept. of S.C., Ga., Fla.
11/30/64Honey Hill.Captian H.M. StuartMclaw’s Division.Dept. of S.C., Ga., Fla.
02/04-65Carolina’s Campaign.Captain H.M. StuartFifth Battalion, Reserve Artillery. Dept. of S.C., Ga., Fla.

Beaufort Volunteer Company Officers
.Stephen Elliott Jr. (Capt.)..
.H.M. Stuart (Capt.)..
.J.T. Baker (1Lt.)..
.J.A.W. Hamilton (1Lt.)..
.J.J. Rhodes (1Lt.)..
.R.B. Fuller Jr. (2Lt.)..
.R.M. Fuller (2Lt.)..
.A. Barnwell (Guidon)..
.T.O. Barnwell (Asst. Surg.)..

Brook’s Light Artillery Battery
Brook’s Battery
Fickling’s Artillery Battery
Rhett’s Artllery Battery

Brook’s Light Artillery Battery, Battles and Stations
DateBattle or CityLocationCommanding OfficerBrigadeDivisionCorps
62Organized.Capt. A.B. Rhett...
6/25-7/1-62Seven Days Battles.Capt. A.B. RhettJones’ BattalionReserve Artillery.
6/26/62Mechanicsville.Capt. A.B. RhettJones’ BattalionReserve Artillery.
6/27/62Beaver Dam Creek.Capt. A.B. RhettJones’ BattalionReserve Artillery.
6/30/62Frayser’s Farm.Capt. A.B. RhettJones’ BattalionReserve Artillery.
8/28-8/30-62Second Manassas.Lt. Wm. ElliottLee-Alexander’s BattalionReserve ArtilleryFirst Corps
9/17/62Sharpsburg.Lt. Wm. ElliottLee-Alexander’s BattalionReserve ArtilleryFirst Corps
12/13/62Fredericksburg.Captain A.B. RhettLee’s-Alexander’s BattalionReserve ArtilleryFirst Corps
5/ 1-5/4-63Chancellorsville.Captain A.B. RhettLee’s-Alexander’s BattalionReserve ArtilleryFirst Corps
7/1-7/3-63Gettysburg.Lt. S.C. GilbertLee’s-Alexander’s BattalionReserve ArtilleryFirst Corps
9/19-9/20-63Chickamaugha*..Alexander’s Battalion.Longstreet’s Corps
09/11-64Chattanooga Siege..Alexander’s Battalion.Longstreet’s Corps
11/12-63Knoxville..Alexander’s-Huger’s Battalion.Longstreet’s Corps
5/5-5/6-64The Wilderness.Capt. Wm. FicklingHuger’s Battalion.First Corps
5/8-5/221-64Spotsylvania Courthouse.Capt. Wm. FicklingHuger’s Battalion.First Corps
5/23-5/26-64North Anna.Capt. Wm. FicklingHuger’s Battalion.First Corps
6/1-6/3-64Cold Harbor.Capt. Wm. FicklingHuger’s Battalion.First Corps
6/64-4/65Petersburg .Capt. Wm. FicklingHuger’s Battalion.First Corps
5/9/65Appomattox Courthouse..Huger’s Battalion.First Corps

You mention several books for additional reading... omitted are E P Alexander's "Military Memoirs of a Confederate" and his "Fighting for the Confederacy" and there are numerous magazine articles you might want to mention (one in "Battles and Leaders" on the "The Great Artillery Charge at Gburg", the recent series of three articles in "North & South" mag by Rich Rollins on "The [Conf] Guns at Gburg", an aritcle on "Anteitam Artillery" in Blue and Grey mag, and several articles in "Gettysburg Magazine" over the years. Also Robert Krick's book on "Parker's Virginia Battery" is helpful since the unit served literally next to some of the SC units in various battles (Sharpsburg, Gburg,...)

Finally, the Brooks Artillery flag is also mentioned in "Flags of Civil War South Carolina" by Glenn Dedmondt as being in Charleston Museum (p. 152).

Brook's/Fickling's Battery Officers
.W.W. Fickling (Capt.)..
.A.B. Rhett (Capt.)..
.Wm. Elliott (1Lt.)..
.S. Capers Gilbert (1Lt.)..
.E.F. O'Neill (2Lt.)..
.E.F. Purse (2Lt.)..
. (Guidon)..

Chesterfield Light Artillery Battery
Chesterfield Battery
Coit’s Battery

The Chesterfield Artillery Flag is located in the Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond, Va.
Dedmondt, Glenn, The Flags of Civil War South Carolina, ISBN NUMBER 1-56554-696-2

U.D.C.:Recollections and Reminiscences 1861-65:
Letters, Knight Family, Twenty-Sixth SCV, Chesterfield Artillery or Coit’s Battery, Vol. 7, page 401, U.D.C.
Rosters and Other:

Chesterfield Light Artillery Battery, Battles and Stations
DateBattle or CityLocationCommanding OfficerBrigadeDivisionCorps
Fall, 1861Unit Organized.Captain J.C. Coit...
1/25/63 Kelly’s Store . Captain J.C. Coit Frobel’s Artillery Battalion Hood’s Division First Corps
1/30/63Kelly’s Store.Captain J.C. CoitFrobel’s Artillery BattalionHood’s DivisionFirst Corps
4/5-63Suffolk Campaign.Captain J.C. CoitShumaker’s-Mosley’s Artillery Battalion.Department of Southern Virginia
6/64-4/65Petersburg (One Section).Captain J.L. KellyCoit’s Battalion.Fourth Corps Artillery
2/65-4/65Carolina’s Campaign.Captain J.L. Kelly..Dept. of N.C. and Virginia

Chesterfield Light Artillery Officers
.J.C. Coit (Capt.)..
.J.R. Evans (1Lt.)..
.Wm. A Evans (1Lt.)..
.Wm. O. Lacoste (1Lt.)..
.J.P. Thompson (1Lt.)..
.C.A. Race (2Lt.)..
.Lewis N. Blakeney (Lt.)..
. (Guidon)..

Child's Artillery Company (See Winder's Artillery)

Columbia Flying Artillery
Waties’ Battery
Waddell’s Battery
Waddell's Horse Artillery

U.D.C.:Recollections and Reminiscences 1861-65:
Rosters and Other:
Columbia Flying Artillery, Vol. 5, page 561

Columbia Flying Artillery, Battles and Stations
DateBattle or CityLocationCommanding OfficerBrigadeDivisionCorps
62Charleston. Captain John Waties* ...
12-62 Wilmington, N.C Defense of Wilmington Captain John Waties . ..
5-63 Jackson, Ms.*Defense of VicksburgCaptain John Waties . . .
9-63 Chickamauga*Tennessee Campaign of 1863Captain John Waties...
11/25/63Missionary RidgeTennessee Campaign of 1863Captain John Waties .. .
2/22-2/27-64 Dalton Atlanta Campaign Captain John Waties . . .
5/9-5/11-64 Calhoun Atlanta Campaign Captain John Waties . ..
5/13-5/16-64 Resaca Atlanta Campaign Captain John Waties .. .
5/19-5/22-64 Cass Station Atlanta Campaign Captain John Waties ...
5/25-5/27-64 Dallas Atlanta Campaign Captain John Waties . . .
6/15-7/1-64 Kennasaw Mt. Atlanta Campaign Captain John Waties . ..
7/20/64 Peachtree Creek Atlanta Campaign Captain John Waties ...
7/22/64 Atlanta Atlanta Campaign Captain John Waties. ..
8/31-9/1-64 Jonesborough Atlanta Campaign Captain John Waties ...
9/2-9/6-64 Lovejoy Station Atlanta CampaignCaptain John Waties ...
11/30/64 Franklin Hood's Tennessee Campaign of 1864Captain John Waties...
12/15-12/16-64 Nashville Hood's Tennessee Campaign of 1864Captain John Waties . ..

*See Vol. V, U.D.C. Recollections for addtional information. I am unclear on the command structure and assignments of this unit. It appears from Cannoneers in Gray that Waites has an Artillery Battalion and Capt. R.B. Waddell (page 146, Cannoneers in Gray) takes command of the South Carolina Battery. Waites does not appear to have been promoted to the rank of Major (Krick). Waites' Horse clearly carried eight rifles into Tennessee under the command of the gallant Hood.(Page 168, Cannoneers in Gray) Sword does not list them in his order of battle in Embrace the Angry Wind. There in no mention of them in Autumn of Glory.The unit is not mentioned in Crute or Sifakis (S.C. and Ga). Ripley makes no mention of Company B, Palmetto Light Artillery. It is very possible that sections of this unit served in both places. Artillery Sections were often divided this way. In this case, a section could be with the Army of Tennessee and a section serving as Heavy Artillery in Defense of Charleston Harbor, but this is specualtion on my part, speculation of a most cavalier type.

Columbia Flying Artillery Officers (U.D.C)
.A.J. Green Sr. (Capt.)..
.John Waties Jr. (Capt.)..
.John Waties Jr. (1Lt.)..
.R.B. Waddell (1Lt.)..
.B.G. Rowland (2Lt.)..
.John Alexander Sr. (2Lt.)..
.A.F. Carroll (Bvt.2Lt.)..
.J.W. Self (Bvt.2Lt.)..

Waties Battery
Company B, Palmetto Light Artillery
Capt. John Waites

.G.E. Clark (1Lt.)..
.A.Y. Lee (1Lt.)..
.B.G. Roland (1Lt.)..
.R.B. Waddell Sr. (1Lt.)..
.J.W. Self (2Lt.)..
.Thomas Waites Jr. (2Lt.)..

Company B, Palmetto Light Artillery
Capt. John Waites

Company B, P.B.L.A.

Culpepper's Light Artillery
With Gracious thanks to Camille Corte and Norman Nicolson

This unit known also as Company C, Palmetto Light Artillery, joined the Palmetto Light Artillery Battalion in November of 1861.Company C was assigned to the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana, in the Spring of 1863 and attached to McNair's Arkansas Brigade during Johnson's attempt to relieve Vickburg from Jackson Mississippi. The unit was then sent to the Army of Tennessee for the fighting at Chickamauga. It returned to the Department of Alabama, Mississipi, and East Louisiana. The unit fought at Charleston, Jackson, and Chickamauga, then served at Mobile and surrendered in May, 1865. The unit was involved in the fighting in the Mobile area where Lt. J.L. Moses was killed in action in one of the last battles of the war.

To the Order of Battle, Mobile Campaign

*Listed as French's Division in Union reports of the Confederate Order of Battle.

Culpepper Light Artillery, Battles and Stations
DateBattle or CityLocationCommanding OfficerBrigadeDivisionCorps
November, 1861CharlestonDepartment of South Carolina, Georgia Captain James F. Culpepper ...
Spring, 1863MississippiDepartment of Mississippi Captain James F. Culpepper ...
August, 1863Chickamauga CampaignArmy of Tennessee Captain James F. Culpepper McNair's Arkansas BrigadeBushrod Johnston's DivisionBuckner's Corps*
November, 1863District of the Gulf. Captain James F. Culpepper ..General Dabney Maury
April, 1865Battle of Blakely.Lt. J.L. Moses (Killed in Action) .District of the GulfGeneral Dabney Maury

Company C, Palmetto Light Artillery
Capt. J.F. Culpepper

C (8/61)J.F. Culpepper (Capt.).CULPEPPER'S LIGHT ARTILLERY
.J.D. Johnson (Capt.)..
.J.L. Dove (1Lt.)..
.J.L. Moses Jr. (1Lt.)..
.J.M. Timmons (1Lt...
.H.J. Ham (2Lt.)..
.Perry Moses (2Lt.)..
.Manley J. David (Guidon)..
.A.J. (Asst. Surg.)..

Company C, Palmetto Light Artillery
Cullpepper's Light Artillery

Company C, P.B.L.A.

For Additional Reading:
DANIEL, LARRY J.:Cannoneers in Gray, The Field Artillery of the Army of Tennessee.

RIPLEY, WARREN: Siege Train, The Journal of a Confederate Artillery Man in the Defense of Charleston.

JOHNSON, JOHN: The Defense of Charleston Harbor.

WISE, JENNINGS: The Long Arm of Lee.

Can you help, with more information, will you?batsonsm@bellsouth.net
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