South Carolina C.S.A.
South Carolina C.S.A. |
Captain George Holtzclaw Company F Right Lt. William I. Kendrick Company D Sixteenth South Carolina |
I with pleasure embrace the present opportunity of writing you in reply to your kind letter of the 13h ins. which I have just received and am very much gratified to know that you are in good health. Hope these lines may find you still enjoying good health. You state that you had written me previous to your last, in relation to the organization of your Company, which I did not receive. The mail is very irregular; we do not get half the letters that are written to us. I was pleased to hear that you had got the position you have. I do not envy your position but would like to have one of the same kind. I have nothing of importance to communicate at this time. Everything is quiet in this quarter. There are various rumors afloat, but nothing reliable. One report is that Kirby Smith, will join this army with his Corps, but I doubt the truth of the report. Our army is at present in bivouac near Faburne Station on the West Point Railroad about twenty-five miles from Atlanta. President Davis is out here. He reviewed the troops on the 26th inst. I do not know his business but I suppose he has come to learn the cause of the fall of Atlanta. I hear that Gen'l Bouregard is on his way here to take command of this Army. I tryly hope the report is true, for we have no confidence in Hood. I hear that the names of several of the 16th regiment are reported in Greenville as deserters, which report is false and without any foundation whatsoever. I will send a piece to the Enterprise and have it published in order to have this report stopped. I hope you will do these men the favor to depress this infamous lie. Some of these men have distinguished themselves in this campaign. I shall hold the perpetrator of this unmitigated falshood accountable for it. I am determined that such brave and partriotic men whom I have the honor to command shall not disgraced in that kind of style. I will close as I nothing to write that will interest you. This will inform you that I am enjoying good health; the health of my company is good. My love to Cousin Julia and all inquiring friends. I remain as below,
Your Affectionate cousin, |
I have no doubt that many men from the 16th came home for a visit after the Atlanta Campaign. I also have little doubt that they returned before full winter. These men were farmers, Atlanta was gone and it was September, there was work to do for winter. I also do not doubt that many were on leave nor do I doubt that Captain Holtzclaw would have killed whoever started the rumor. These men, particularly the men of Greenville County, did not expect the civil authorities to handle bad talk; they were equipped to handle that themselves. Dueling did much to insure good manners... and Captain Holtzclaw was an excellent leader and a man of his times. He would fight to the last day and when arms were stacked he had more men from his old company with him than any other officer at Greensboro... ... but for this day, Atlanta was gone and Jefferson Davis was indeed there to find out why. He found out much more as well. As usual, personal feelings came into play with the President and the gallant Hood was left in command. Lee agreed with this decision. By December, he would show both Davis and Lee just what he could do. For years I felt sorry for Hood and viewed him as a wounded old war-horse, now I only pity the men who were commanded by him. He was brave but a brave fool is still a fool. The Enterprise was the Greenville Newspaper at the time. |