Please follow this link. We are moving, hopefully for the last time. My thanks to Traci Parsons who has worked so hard to move these pages and give them a new look and complete make over. She is a wonderful friend and I am extremely grateful for her hours of hard work. Moving is a long and difficult process. Hopefully the Sixteenth site will follow shortly to the new address. My thanks for your patience, remember to bookmark the new address. This site will remain but will no longer be updated. steve |
A note on Searching, keep it simple, looking for the First South Carolina Vols. Try First. Looking for Colonel B.B. Smith, Try Smith, You will get more than you want, but you will find what you want.
This site was created and edited by Steve Batson. All the mistakes are mine. Credit for research, photos, and documents goes to many institutions and people and is noted, none are more important than the sons and daughters of South Carolina who remember, and hold the past dear. If I have overlooked you or made an error, or forgotten to credit someone or thing, please let me know, it was not intentional. My thanks for all your help. All Rights Reserved®. |